SPECIAL SHOUT OUT: To the best mom in the world, Sarah Grisham! Happy Birthday! Wish I could be there to spend the whole day with you! Love you more than words could ever say! A picture is worth a thousand words…so here’s a pic of my mom and I! J
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Best mom in the world! Happy Birthday! I love you! |
Well I have a week left of training. This is exciting and scary all at the same time. I’ll be living on my own with my host family in the middle of nowhere. I am anxious to see what will come of all of this but at the same time wondering how the unknown will turn out.
This week will fly by quickly just a reminder…after this week…I will be isolated and only be able to get on the internet about once a month. I’ll post my new address ASAP but I would love a phone call here and there. I remember when I first moved to England. I found out who my real friends were when I moved thousands of miles away…I guess this will even be more of a real test?
***A good book to read more about Peru history and Andean literature is The Andes: A Cultural History by Jason Wilson. *** Just finished it and I learned so much about Peruvian Cultural History…if you’re that type…read it. The guy’s British so it has those obnoxious “-our” instead of “or”
So Thursday is Thanksgiving….I’ll miss my family and the American food especially the turkey leg and overindulging myself with casseroles but I can still give thanks to God for all the blessings He has given me. I don’t deserve anything but He gave it all. Especially after being here for over 2 months I see how blessed our country truly is. We have more than we will ever, ever need so I am glad I can be here to share our abundance.
I won’t miss “Black Friday”…this may come as a surprise but I’m not a big shopper! Ha. Friday I will officially be a Peace Corps Volunteer…up until then I’m just a trainee…so far I think that is the only similarity I have found to the military. Its so different…yes it’s a gov’t position but different in so many ways.
Miss you boogers! |
While I’m here I’ll be rocking out Thanksgiving Peruvian style! Everyone have a wonderful holiday and don’t ever forget why we should be THANKFUL! Happy Thanksgiving! Do it up for me American style…Football, Fall, Food and ALL! J
Top 10 THINGS I’m THANKFUL for this Year:
1. Salvation-Grace through Faith!
2. Infinite blessings
3. Family (I love you all more than words!)
4. Friends (Ditto!)
5. Freedom (Ameri-cuh!)
6. Books (help me to not feel so dumb even my writing is worse!)
7. IPods/External Hard-drives (Make time fly on the long bus rides)
8. Q-tips (This will be on the list every year)
9. Baby wipes (My new shower)
10. Casino cookies (they’ve gotten me through training. They come in every flavor you could think of…almost…no wasabi cookies…yet)
Your Worsham family loves you! Will be thinking of you and thanking God for you all your whole family Thursday.